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English translation for "speed superiority"


Related Translations:
superiority:  n.优越(性),超越,优秀,优势 (to; over); 傲慢 (to; over)。 superiority in strength [ability, intelect] 实力[能力、智力]方面的优势。 sense of superiority 优越感。 superiority to bribery [temptation] 拒绝贿赂[不受诱惑]的超越精神。 assum
great superiority:  大优势巨大的优越性
mental superiority:  心理优势
positional superiority:  高层优势
space superiority:  航天优势空间优势
export superiority:  出口优势
market superiority:  市场优势
enterprise superiority:  企业优势
unparalleled superiority:  无比的优越性
average superiority:  平均优势
Example Sentences:
1.Comparing with voltage - domain d - a converter and charge - domain d - a converter , current - steering d - a converter has its high - speed superiority , which is only influenced by the speed of current switch . because the structure is based on current replication while not on current division , it can overcome the defects of current - domain d - a converter
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